Monday, July 4, 2011

The Foolishness of God

In the years after the life of Christ the early Christians were few in number, but powerful in the Spirit. They lived lives that were different from the Roman society that surrounded them. They were generous, humble, servant-hearted, peaceful, and selfless. To many they appeared as fools, but this foolishness of God was used to change their world. In five centuries Christianity became the predominant religion in the Roman Empire, and now 2000 years later Christianity can be found worldwide.

            God does not value the things that our world values. You can see examples of this in scripture. Jesus the Savior of the world was not born in a palace, but a manger. In Isaiah 53 the description of the Messiah was not what people expected. In the early church everyone shared what they had so that no one was in need.
            The apostle Paul put it in these words, “We are fools for Christ, . . When we are cursed, we bless; when we are persecuted, we endure it; 13 when we are slandered, we answer kindly.” 1 Cor. 4:10, 12,13 
            Will we choose to live out the “Foolishness of God” in our lives? As we live out a total love for God and a love for others, those around us will take notice. It will be in these moments of service, sacrifice, and genuine compassion that Christ will be proclaimed and we will come to know a greater satisfaction in God.
            May we cease chasing after the things of the world and beg God to miraculously change our desires to once again match His. Oh the freedom of living for eternity!

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